Gilze Rijen (NL) Open Day, June 2014

The 2014 Open Days of the Royal Netherlands Air Force took place at Gilze Rijen AB both on June 20th and 21st and Hans was present on Saturday the 21st , working his way through the crowd and taking the pictures shown in this gallery.

Since Gilze Rijen is the main helicopter base of the K.Lu. it is obvious that a variety of the sort should be present at such an occasion and indeed this was the case !  Apart from the newest models such as the NH.90 and the EC.120 the K.Lu.’s three old Alouette III’s were present celebrating their 50 years in service . A not very commonly seen helicopter on static was the Polish SW-4 Puszczick. One of the last demo’s of the Belgian Sea King could be enjoyed  as they are scheduled to be replaced by NH.90’s.

Gilze Rijen also has a strong runway for fixed-wing aircraft and therefore many other interesting aircraft could be seen not only on static-show but also visiting ( the civil airliner MD.11 of K.L.M.!) and while performing demo’s in the air. Significant was the presence of two F-4E Phantoms from Turkey with frightening noses …!

The Royal Air Force’s  aerobatic team The Red Arrows celebrated their 50 years of demo-flying with a splendid show.





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