RAF Greenham Common , U.K. , July 23rd, 1983 (International Air Tattoo)

On July 23rd , 1983 Scramble Tours organized a one day return trip to what is known as the biggest Air Show event in Europe : the International Air Tattoo at RAF Greenham Common , U.K.

Hans joined the travel-group and took to the air in NLM City Hopper’s Fokker F-28 Fellowship PH-CHN for a flight from Amsterdam AP (Schiphol) to Southampton , U.K. and onwards by touring car to destination.

This indeed was a huge event with really many  hundreds of aircraft and helicopters present and participating , having flown in from all over the globe. The Air Show proceeded all day , sight-seeing tours took photographers to the flight-lines and the Static Show stretched out for over a mile length. No less than 25 McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantoms were neatly lined up celebrating 25 years of the type being in service.

This gallery only shows a fraction of the pictures that Hans took on the day , but they certainly give a good impression of what was going on during this great , enjoyable happening !




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