Solenzara is a French Air Force base on the east coast of the isle of Corsica.
Solenzara is home to a helicopter unit of the Armee de l’Air (Escadron Helicopteres 1/44) equipped with Super Pumas. On 30 and 31 May 2015 it hosted the first of three aerial meetings in France in 2015. The great Corsican weather enabled a great show!
- poster
- 125-BB/364, Mirage 2000N of EC 2/4 based at Istres (FK)
- Alpha Jet 120-AH/99 of EE 2/2 Cazaux (FK)
- AS332 Super Puma PM/224/UPE of the Solenzara based EH 1/44 (FK)
- AS365 Dauphin 313 of French Navy Flottilje 30F at Hyeres (FK)
- C-135FR Armee de l’Air
- Canadair CL-415 32/F-ZBFS (FK)
- Canadair Securite Civile
- CASA-235 FAF of 61 W Creil (FK)
- EC-145 JBF 0f SAG Ajaccio (FK)
- EF-18BM Hornet Spanish AF from ALA-15 AT Zaragoza (FK)
- Eurocopter EC-145 F-ZBQK of the Securite Civile (FK)
- Eurofighter Ital AF 36-31/JM from Goia del Colle (FK)
- Extra 330SC of the EVAA, ofd EPA 20/300 Armee de l’Air (FK)
- F-5E Tiger J-3038 of 19sq Swiss AF Payerne (FK)
- PdS (FK)
- PdS (FK)
- la Patrouille de France! (FK)
- Mirage 2000N 125-AM/353 of EC 2/4 Istres (FK)
- Mirage 2000N 125-AW (spare a/c for Ramex Delta) of EC2/4 (FK)
- Patrouille de Suisse display (FK)
- Puma ZJ955 of the RAF with a Far East Command roundel, from 33sq RAF Benson (FK)
- Rafale FAF in display c/s (FK)
- Rafale 119-GQ/JM from Mont de Marsan
- Ramex Delta (FK)
- Red Arrows in take-off (FK)
- Super Puma 2093/PP (FK)
- TBM-700 French Air Force (FK)
- TBM-700 French Army (FK)
- Tornado from Buchel (FK)
- Red Arrow (FK)
- Red Arrow (FK)
- FA-123 F-16 BAF (FK)