From 28 -30 May 1974 Frank and Hans were invited to attend the 11th NATO Tactical Weapons Meet , organized at Canadian Forces Base Baden-Söllingen in Germany; they also joined in for a flight to the Suippes-Gunnery Range in Northern France in a Bell-helicopter of the Luftwaffe. Participants to the Meet this time were : (2 ATAF) R.Neth.AF , 315 sq., Twenthe ; (2ATAF) Belgian AF , 10th Wing , Kleine Brogel ; (2ATAF) Royal Air Force Germany, 17 sq., Brüggen ; (2ATAF) W.German AF , JBG31 , Nörvenich ; (4ATAF) W.German AF , JBG34 , Memmingen ; (4ATAF) Canadian AF , 439 sq., Söllingen ; (4ATAF) USAFE , 50TFW , Hahn ; (4ATAF) USAFE 36TFW , Bitburg ; (Guest Team) French AF , Escadre 3/13 , Colmar). Winner of the Meet was 2 ATAF which received the Broadhust Trophy. By the way , Hans and Frank wrote a vivid article on this subject in the July 1974-issue of Flash Aviation Magazine.
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