Best Hit Weapons Meet 1972, Larissa, Greece

BEST HIT was a NATO competition in which the air forces of Italy, Greece and Turkey took part ( together with a joint “guest-team” assembled from USAFE´s 401 Tactical Fighter Wing ,Torrejon, Spain and  U.S. Navy squadrons VA-15 and VA-87 , while on deployment to the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt  in the Mediterranean Sea)

Best Hit was held three times: the first one was in 1971 in Turkey, the 2nd was in Larissa, Greece (this report) and the third and last was in Istrana, Italy (see our report elsewhere on this site: heading Base Visits/ Exercises 1965-2000).

On July 18,19 and 20 , 1972  Hans and Frank were allowed to visit the NATO-AIRSOUTH Weapons Meet at Larissa AB in Greece.

It brought together participants from the USAF in Europe (401 TFW , Torrejon, Spain , equipped with F-4E Phantom II´s), the U.S.Navy ( Carrier Attack Wing 6 , USS Roosevelt , equipped with A-7 Corsair II´s) , the Italian AF (14th sq., Treviso , equipped with Fiat G-91´s,), the Turkish AF ( 191 sq., Balikesir , equipped with F-104 Starfighters ) and the Hellenic AF of Greece (349 sq.,Larissa , equipped with Northrop F-5´s).

This photo-report covers most of the participating aircraft and also shows  a few pictures of resident and/or visiting HAF aircraft.


  1. Dionysios Kouris Reply

    Good afternoon from Athens Greece.
    You have written in the site above,by Hans and Frank on May 3, 2019, some information about best hit Larissa AFB in 1972
    I was a participant in this competition and I have some pictures and a text concerning the above.
    I can If you agree to send you the pictures free and the text in order to attach in your article.
    General retire
    Dionysios Kouris

  2. Dennis P Weidenbach Reply

    I was stationed in Larissa Greece during the 1972 best hit NATO target practice. We maintained a large bomb storage area and other war related supplies, SSGT Dennis Weidenbach USAF 1968-1975.

  3. Lampo 18 Reply

    Ad Istrana partecipò il 101mo gruppo CBR dell’8 stormo con G91Y. Il capitano Luigi Bonavolontá vinse il titolo di miglior tiratore.

  4. Martin Gabriël. Reply

    Vorden, (Holland) 23-8-24. Beste Frank of andere(n). Ik ben in het bezit van een medaille van :
    “Air South Tactical Weapons Meet Best Hit – Eskisehir 971”. Heb je interesse? Doe een bod.
    Groet van Martin.

    1. Frank Reply

      Dag Martin,
      Sorry voor de vertraging; maar nee, er is hier geen belangstelling voor de medaille.
      Bedankt voor je interesse in de website, beste groeten,

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