In August 1970 RAF Alconbury , U.K. (now closed) was the home of the 10th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (USAFE) , equipped with McDonnell RF-4C Phantoms . Hans and Frank visited the base during that month on different days , via official invitation and as aircraft-spotters. (special thanks to Mr. A. Wever, who was Hans’ travel-companion at the time)
Hi, I am a director of the charity Airfield Research Group. We are conducting a detailed survey and report on the buildings on north side, Alconbury, UK. This includes the nose dock sheds. One of these housed the alert helicopter from 1968. The hangars are due for demolition this month. I wonder if it would be possible for us to use your two images of the Karman Huskie helicopter. Off course you will be credited – unfortunately the report is a condition of demolition so the situation is urgent. Thanks for consider considering, Regards, Paul
Dear Paul
I have spoken to the team and they are fine with you using the pictures
Greatings wim, head of comments