Eindhoven was the city where the authors both grew up and became “real” aircraft-spotters at the nearby air base. They made many pictures there throughout the years often under difficult circumstances ! This gallery contains a selection of these “blood, sweat and tears”-pics taken at Eindhoven (NL). The Eindhoven based Thunderstreaks are not in this gallery, but all in one seperate album. Note that in the 60/70ties Eindhoven AB also had a Base-Flight with Lockheed T-33’s,Harvards etc. You will find some pictures of these aircraft in this gallery.
A few images taken in more recent years are incorporated as well. Eindhoven now houses the transport fleet of the RNethAF (pics are in gallery named “KLu aircraft”).
Fiat G-91 , Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Italian AF +Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
C-47-NASARR , Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Magister BAF , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91T , Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Fiat G-91T , Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
F-102 Delta Dagger , USAFE , 32FIS , 1966 (HE)
Canadair Sabre CL-13 Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Canadair Sabre CL-13 Luftwaffe 1966 (HE)
Canadair Sabre CL-13 Luftwaffe , 1966 (HE)
Hunter T-7 on the base-flight (FK)
Noratlas FAF 1967 (HE)
Piper Cub (FK)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe , 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Noratlas FAF . 1967 (HE)
Noratlas FAF , 1967 (HE)
Noratlas FAF . 1967 (HE)
F-104 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Harvard K.Lu. 1967 (HE)
Beaver U.S.Army . 1967 (CHE)
F-104 Luftwaffe , 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe , 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Fiat G-91 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Harvard K.Lu. 1967 (HE)
Sea Prince Royal Navy . 1967 (HE)
F-104 Luftwaffe . 1967 (HE)
Belgian Starfighter (FK)
Dutch Starfighter (FK)
Starfighter BAF (FK)
Belgian Starfighter (FK)
Starfighter R.Norw.A.F (FK)
Norwegian Starfighter (FK)
T-33 K.Lu.. 1968 photo by : F.Spangenberg (CHE)
Piper Super Cub . K.Lu. . 1968 photo by : F.Spangenberg (CHE)
Piper Super Cub . K.Lu.. 1968(HE)
F-104 Luftwaffe . 1968 (HE)
Starfighter KLu (FK)
T-33 K.Lu. 1968 (HE)
Belgian T-33A FT-22 (FK)
Piper Cub KLu (FK)
F-100F Super Sabre (FK)
STarfighter KLu (FK)
Starfighter 26+13 (FK)
German Starfighter 26+32 (FK)
TF-104 Luftwaffe . 1970 (CHE)
NF-5B K.Lu. 1971 (HE)
F-104 BAF . 1971 (HE)
F-104 BAF . 1971 (HE)
Italian Starfighter, 1975 (FK)
Italian Starfighter, 1975 (FK)
F-5A R.Norwegian AF . 1971 (HE)
F-5A R.Norwegian AF . 1971 (HE)
F-5A R.Norwegian AF . 1971 (HE)
Hercules RJordanian AF September 2009(FK)
Embraer BAF (FK)
C-135FR 93-CB, April 2015
C-135FR 93-CB, April 2015 (FK)
Belgian F-16B FB-21 overshoot, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Apache Q-05, 27 October 2017 (FK)
USArmy Apaches departing, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Apache USArmy, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Apache USAmy, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Apache USArmy, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Chinook USArmy, 27 October 2017 (FK)
Chinook USArmy, 27 October 2017 (FK)
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