
Netherlands / Koninklijke Luchtmacht

In the mid fifties the KLu (Koninklijke Luchtmacht) acquired 180 Republic F-84F Thunderstreaks, registered P-101 to P-277 and P-298…

Spotting at Eindhoven (NL)

Eindhoven was the city where the authors both grew up and became “real” aircraft-spotters at the nearby air base….

AIRCRAFT WRECKS & RELICS (pictured 1960 – 2010)

Pictures of aircraft that have been disposed of or preserved in one way or another ; this gallery deals…

0. Open Day Program

Eindhoven (NL) Open Day, July 1993

The 80th anniversary of the Koninklijke Luchtmacht was celebrated with an Open Day at Eindhoven on July 3rd, 1993. Amongst…

Base Visit Eindhoven (NL), June 1998

In June 98 Frank (a.o.) was invited to visit 334 squadron, based at Eindhoven. At that time it was…

Base Visit Eindhoven (NL), June 25th, 2003

On June 25th , 2003 Hans was invited to join in for a one-hour flight in Fokker 60 Utility…

Base visit Eindhoven (NL), January, 1996

In Januari 1996 a group of registered Eindhoven spotters was invited to visit Eindhoven AB, to take pictures of…

Base Visit Eindhoven AB (NL), April 24th, 1973

On April 24th, 1973 a Photo Call was organized at Eindhoven Air Base which enabled the group of Eindhoven-spotters…

Base Visit Eindhoven (NL), March 29th, 1971 (Norwegian F-5’s)

In March 1971 332 SKV of the Royal Norwegian AF from Rygge visited Eindhoven AB with a few Northrop…

Base Visit Eindhoven (NL), December 21st, 1970

A special celebration was organized by 314 squadron at Eindhoven AB on December 21st , 1970 to bid fare-well…